How to Adjust and Adapt to a New Work Environment
10/24/2022 | By Marella Gimenez
Nothing can prepare you completely for the working environment. Not school, not the university, not job shadowing at a firm you wish to work at. You will not be treated as an employee until you are, in fact, an employee.
Starting a new job doesn’t only mean getting to know a new set of company policies and procedures – it also means adapting to a new company culture. Much like each family has its own traditions, each company has its own culture – and it is the people in the company who create this culture.
Starting your first job is difficult on many levels because of this. You are stepping into a professional environment where you can run into stringent regulations, a higher level of interpersonal relationships, and industry jargon you've never ever heard of.
The Importance of Adapting to a New Work Environment
You can be a part of your organization's innovation and growth by having the flexibility to adjust to a changing work environment. As you become more acquainted with the organizational culture and procedure, it also helps you be more productive and upbeat.
Aside from that, being able to adjust to a new work environment demonstrates, among other things, your resourcefulness, relevance, and leadership abilities. Every business values employees with these important soft talents. You're demonstrating to your organization that you can contribute to its success, in addition to helping yourself grow.
With new technologies and interference affecting job roles, processes, and expectations on a constant basis, the modern workplace is rapidly changing. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that companies increasingly seek out candidates who, regardless of their function, consistently build and nurture their capacity to adapt to changes in the workplace.
The ability to adapt to change is not a talent everyone possesses, even if it has become more important for companies. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone embraces change favorably. We are creatures of habit, and a lot of us discover that change can cause a range of emotional reactions, from slight unease or apprehension to severe terror or anxiety.
The good news is that, like any other skill, you can learn how to modify your thinking and adapt in a positive way if you struggle with workplace change.
What does adaptability mean?
Let's define what being flexible means. A straightforward definition of adaptability is the capacity to embrace change properly and successfully respond to it by making appropriate adjustments. Instead of dreading and rejecting change, it's important to manage it in a way that benefits both your organization and your career.
However, as it is now a skill set that companies seek as a key capability in their workforce, the capacity to adapt successfully to change is crucial for your long-term job success. Today, it is impossible to overstate the value of adaptability.
How much time does it take to adjust to a new setting?
According to a study, it takes roughly 66 days for a new behavior to develop into a habit. To effectively adjust to a new work environment and become accustomed to the habits and routines takes roughly two and a half months.
You may already be aware that it takes time and patience to learn how to adjust to a changing work environment; it doesn't happen immediately. It's important to understand your personality type and how you develop new habits because people have different personalities and approach change in different ways and over different time frames.
Adaptability examples
Being willing to modify your plans in response to altering strategic company priorities, taking on new tasks and responsibilities, implementing new systems and technologies, streamlining processes, and changing policies are all examples of being adaptable in the workplace.
As a result of the global pandemic, a lot of us have adjusted how we work, including where we work and how we cooperate, which is another well-known example of workplace flexibility. In light of the rapidly changing nature of the workplace, it is critical to remain open to professional growth and job adaptation in order to meet new difficulties or industry disruptions that may arise.
Each organization has its innate traditions, ideals, politics, and interpersonal ties. While you don't have to become completely immersed in office politics, you do need to understand how connections and values affect the job that needs to be done. Be careful not to become overly engrossed in interpersonal drama, but do uphold the beliefs.
Pay attention to people's routines as well. In addition to making it emotionally challenging for you to report to work each day, failing to adapt to the culture will also affect your capacity to perform your duties to the highest standard. Whether you like it or not, you must work with your coworkers to complete your tasks.
Some new hires approach their first jobs with the mindset that they have a right to be there. Stay humble, get as much knowledge as you can, and put your all into any assignments you are given to avoid becoming guilty of this. In this manner, your coworkers will begin to view you as a trustworthy and capable individual.
Keep an eye out for your department's or company's demands and work to meet them. This will make you stand out and enable you to establish a solid reputation for yourself. In order to boost productivity and show your company your value, actively seek out ways to complete tasks more quickly and/or better.
Even though they may be extremely busy, your manager has a duty to see that you have access to all the resources you need to perform your job. You don't have to wait for a performance evaluation to speak with your boss about feedback on your work or to get clarification on your duties. Ask to have a monthly gathering. Talk about your accomplishments, your mistakes, and what you can do differently moving forward.
Even if you don't necessarily need to make new friends at work, you probably spend more time there than at home. So give your coworkers a chance to get to know you. In this approach, they will comprehend why you respond to a scenario in a particular way or why you become upset at particular moments.
Businesses have begun to realize that content workers result in productive workers, so you no longer need to keep your personal and business lives entirely apart. You are allowed to feel emotions and make friends at work, provided that these interactions do not have a negative impact on your work.
It may not be the greatest place for you to work if you cannot be yourself there. Remember that if you want to be successful in your career, you will need to continue to develop yourself and adjust to the varied changes that can happen at work.
It takes time to learn how to adjust to a new situation. If you wish to successfully adapt to change, you must acknowledge that it will entail some degree of loss related to the need to break certain habits and behaviors that you haven't yet learned how to do. Remember that the organization is just as important as you are. The productivity and performance of the business will be impacted by whatever action or inaction you take.
The more quickly you can adjust to your new work environment, the better it will be for you, your team, and the organization since the global workplace is a competitive setting.