Employers Getting Ahead in the New Global War for Talent
10/8/2021 | By Marella Gimenez
The pandemic isn’t over, but talent is on the move as never before -- both physically and digitally. Corporate management needs a strategy to attract and retain young professionals -- wherever they may be, including in the cloud.
The war for talent is escalating as never before. Only those companies that create a winning strategy will survive the ongoing battle, and it's time to take action. Talent may be on the move, but all signs indicate that the current pandemic is not yet over and won't be anytime soon. Attracting the best talent isn't just about poaching; it's also about retaining the best team members — wherever they are. The key here is to find a plan that works well with your business culture and growth goals.
This new talent-on-the-move trend has significant implications for organizations across industries: Talent is fluid and highly mobile -- both physically and digitally -- which means competition for this crucial resource pool will only increase in years to come. Making the case for flexibility is an ongoing challenge, as more and more companies recognize its importance -- even those that once shuddered at the thought of remote work. The workforce of today doesn't remain on a nine-to-five schedule; it lives in a 24/7 world where careers can span three to four different jobs over a lifetime.
Understanding what drives your employees - both personally and professionally -- will not only improve retention rates but also strengthen overall business performance. Talent strategists must envision this fluid workforce spread across time zones, countries and continents to fully maximize competitive advantage. The new mobile workforce wants access to career opportunities anywhere they are located, so organizational policies must keep up with the reality of today's market demands. The best teams are made up of people who are versatile and quick to adapt to the ever changing needs and demands of business. Talent is never limited to one location, so organizations must create ever-changing strategies for success in the global marketplace.
The talent pool isn't just shifting geographically; it's also highly diverse and made up of many cultures and backgrounds. That means corporate management needs a strategy that adapts to this new landscape -- both digitally and physically. Talent will come from all walks of life, but only the best equipped businesses will be able to attract them because, after all, where there’s talent, there’s opportunity. Talent is everywhere; you just have to know how to find it. For example, managers should look beyond education when hiring employees because knowledge gaps can easily be bridged by learning programs or other resources made available.
Some remote teams are highly collaborative with members physically located in different parts of the globe, while others are highly functional with people working independently under remote work arrangements. The key is to focus on building a remote team that's most effective for your business goals by finding the right mix of talent to suit your objectives.
Employers must adjust their hiring strategies accordingly because this new workforce wants access to career opportunities anywhere they are located -- not only across cities and states but also continents. Organizations must accept remote workers as part of their talent strategy if they want to remain competitive in today’s market.
The new mobile workforce wants access to career opportunities anywhere they are located, so organizational policies must keep up with the reality of today's global business landscape.